50 answers to modern insulation
The practical oriented qualities of mineral woolPreface
Dear reader,
in Germany a large part of valuable energy resources is used for the heating of living spaces. At the same time high energy reduction potentials are left unexploited. The legislator who wants to lower the permitted year heating energy requirement of new buildings by about 30 per cent in comparison to the present thermal protection ordinance has also recognised this need and introduced the actual regulation for energy saving in building (Energieeinsparverordnung).
Mineral wool is the material of the first choice for the effective insulation of buildings due to its excellent qualities. Its professional processing provides the observation of ordinances and not only the environment but also the purse are protected.
The RAL quality mark "products made of mineral wool" guarantees the checked quality and safety of mineral wool products.
The present booklet gives answers to questions to modern insulation to clients, house-owners, hobbyists, craftsmen or employees of building firms and everyone who uses insulation materials or is interested in it. If questions should remain open nevertheless, please do write us or pay us a visit on the Internet under www.ral-mineralwolle.de.
Yours sincerely
Isolde Elkan
Secretary general
Gütegemeinschaft Mineralwolle e.V.